Nuclear Physics Conference 2025

Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041) (Nancy Rothwell Building)

Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

Nancy Rothwell Building

University of Manchester
David Sharp, Kara Lynch (University of Manchester), Thomas Day Goodacre (The University of Manchester), Toby Wright (University of Manchster)

The Nuclear Physics Conference 2025 will feature invited talks from national and international speakers, as well as extensive opportunities for contributed talks. A poster session will take place to showcase work and discoveries, and updates and discussions with senior members of the Science and Technology Facilities Council will be provided at a Town Meeting. The conference is particularly welcoming to Ph.D. students and all are offered the opportunity to present their research.

Further information can be found on the conference website:

Please upload your talks to this Indico page before the start of your session. As a reminder:

  • Plenary talks are 25 mins + 5 mins for questions
  • Parallel talks are 12 mins + 3 mins for questions


This event is supported by:

Contact the organisers
    • 1
      Registration + Welcome Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Superheavy elements Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 2
        Toward Pursuing New Superheavy Elements
        Speaker: Jacklyn Gates (LBNL)
    • IOP Prize Winners Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 3
        Data-driven approaches to learning about nuclear structure

        Ernest Rutherford Medal and Prize winner 2023

        Speaker: David Jenkins (University of York)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Event Space (Ground floor)

      Event Space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Applied nuclear physics: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.012

      Engineering A 2A.012

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Instrumentation: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.014

      Engineering A 2A.014

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.011

      Engineering A 2A.011

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • 12:45
      Lunch + Poster session Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Hadron and relativistic heavy-ion collisions Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 4
        Speaker: Rachel Montgomery (University of Glasgow)
    • Applied nuclear physics Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 5
        Speaker: Giuseppe Loruso (NPL)
    • Nuclear theory Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 6
        IPPP talk
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • STFC Town Meeting Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 7
        Update from STFC Executive Chair
        Speaker: Michele Dougherty (STFC)
      • 8
        Update from Science Board
        Speaker: Keith Grange
      • 9
        Update from Nuclear Physics Advisory Panel
      • 10
        Update from IOP Nuclear Physics Group
        Speaker: Jack Henderson (University of Surrey)
      • 11
    • 19:00
      Drinks Reception Christie's Bistro

      Christie's Bistro

      University of Manchester
    • IOP Prize Winners Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 12

        Ernest Rutherford Medal and Prize winner 2024

        Speaker: Alison Bruce (University of Brighton)
      • 13
        Direct measurements of astrophysical reactions with radioactive beams

        Early Career Researcher Prize winner

        Speaker: Matthew Williams (University of Surrey)
      • 14
        Calorimeter Construction for Luminosity Monitoring at the Electron Ion Collider

        Best Second Year PhD Student Talk at the STFC Nuclear Physics Summer School 2024 winner

        Speaker: Alex Smith (University of York)
      • 15
        Development of a gamma radiation detector system for localisation and mapping of distributed sources

        Best Second Year PhD Student Talk at the STFC Nuclear Physics Summer School 2024 winner

        Speaker: Refilwe Setso (University of York)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Hadron and relativistic heavy-ion collisions: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.012

      Engineering A 2A.012

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.011

      Engineering A 2A.011

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear theory: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.014

      Engineering A 2A.014

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Applied nuclear physics: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.012

      Engineering A 2A.012

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.014

      Engineering A 2A.014

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • 12:30
      Lunch + Poster session Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 16
        Speaker: Ben Kay (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • Applied nuclear physics Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 17
        Speaker: Heather Williams (The Christie NHS Foundation Trust)
    • Nuclear theory Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 18
        Chiral forces and uncertainty quantification in ab initio nuclear structure predictions
        Speaker: Andreas Ekström (Chalmers University of Technology)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Applied nuclear physics: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.012

      Engineering A 2A.012

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Instrumentation: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.014

      Engineering A 2A.014

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.011

      Engineering A 2A.011

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Hadron and relativistic heavy-ion collisions: Parallel session Engineering A 2A.014

      Engineering A 2A.014

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • 19:00
      Conference Dinner The Midland Hotel

      The Midland Hotel

    • Hadron and relativistic heavy-ion collisions Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 19
        Investigating strange baryons and charm production with the upgraded ALICE Inner Tracker
        Speaker: Lee Barnby (University of Derby)
    • Nuclear theory Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 20
        Electroweak reactions with light (and not so light) nuclei
        Speaker: Sonia Bacca (JGU Mainz)
    • Nuclear structure Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 21
        Laser spectroscopy for nuclear structure studies: future plans at the GANIL and DESIR facility
        Speaker: Louis Lalanne (LPHC-CNRS)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Events space (Ground floor)

      Events space (Ground floor)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
    • Nuclear structure Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 22
        Speaker: Silvia Leoni (INFN)
    • Nuclear astrophysics Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 23
        Neutron Reactions in Astrophysics
        Speaker: Claudia Lederer-Woods (University of Edinburgh)
    • Nuclear theory Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 24
        Exploring the structure and reactions of two-neutron halos at the low-Z coast of the island of inversion
        Speaker: Jagjit Singh (University of Manchester)
    • Applied nuclear physics Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester
      • 25
        Nuclear Science to Benefit Society
        Speaker: Iain Darby (UKNNL)
    • 13:00
      Closing remarks Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Engineering A Theatre B (2A.041)

      Nancy Rothwell Building

      University of Manchester