Registration for the event is now closed. If you wish to participate, either in person or online, please contact Laura.
As the indico page is public, Zoom coordinates were circulated via email to participants to prevent Zoombombing. Contact Laura or Jens if you want to join remotely but have not registered.
Following the discussion at the “UK meeting on future e+e- Higgs/EW/top/... factory”, this workshop will provide a forum to discuss a common R&D programme across the UK community for the development of silicon vertex and tracking detectors for future collider facilities.
The aim is to identify generic R&D themes to formulate a coherent proposal and acquire common funding and international leadership in the field.
The workshop will
- review relevant R&D on solid state detectors in the UK (sensors, ASICs, DAQ, mechanics & cooling);
- present the outcome of recent international (ECFA) and national (PPTAP) technology roadmaps to contextualise the programme in the broader landscape;
- leave *ample* time to discuss common R&D themes around which the community can gather and work together, possible funding routes and how to organise the effort.