(LFPO) is an archetypical and well-known cathode material [1] for rechargeable Li-ion batteries. However, its quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) structure (see Figure) along with the Fe ions, LFPO also displays interesting low-temperature magnetic properties [2]. At ambient pressure LFPO display an antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin order below and neutron scattering [3-5] have characterized that LFPO orders in a canted AFM ground state below . Our team has previously utilized muon spin rotation (SR) to investigate both magnetic order as well as Li-ion diffusion in LFPO [6] as well as nano-structured LFPO [7,8] and related compounds [9-11]. In this initial study we make use of high-pressure SR to investigate effects on the low-T magnetic order. We find a clear decrease in at and we can estimate that a complete suppression of magnetic order should appear around .

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