The phrase ‘quantum spin liquid’ (QSL) refers to a system in which strong quantum fluctuations prevent long-range magnetic order from being established, even at temperatures well below any interaction energy scale. No spontaneous symmetry breaking is involved, nor a conventional local order parameter. Thus, it is not described using the Landau theory of phase transitions and constitutes a novel phase of matter. These systems exhibit a wealth of exotic phenomena like long-range entanglement and fractional quantum excitations, which are of fundamental interest but also hold great potential for quantum communication and computation.
Magnetic species decorating a two dimensional kagome lattice constitute the most heavily studied QSL candidates. Quantum fluctuations are prevalent due to geometrical magnetic frustration, low coordination number and quasi low dimensionality. Two particularly well-studied experimental realisations are volborthite, where it is believed spatial anisotropy plays an important role and herbertsmithite ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$Cl$_2$. However, the presence of excess Cu$^{2+}$ replacing the nonmagnetic Zn$^{2+}$ induces randomness in the magnetic exchange coupling, complicating explanations of the experimental observations.
Our focus is the investigation of a series of newly synthesised QSL candidates. The insulating materials YCu$_3$(OH)$_6$O$_x$Cl$_{3−x}$ (x = 0, 1/3) display a kapellasite-like structure and no sign of Cu/Y mixing from single crystal x-ray refinements. In the x = 0 compound, the kagome lattice is perfect; in the x = 1/3 compound, it is slightly buckled.
In Ba$_4$Ir$_3$O$_{10}$, Ir$^{4+}$(5d$^5$) ions form Ir$_3$O$_{12}$ trimers of three dimensional face-sharing IrO$_6$ octahedra, which are vertex-linked, forming wavelike 2D sheets. However, it is proposed that intra-trimer exchange is reduced and the lattice recombines into an array of coupled 1D chains with additional spins. As such, the compound is a candidate Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) and presents a novel route to exploring quantum liquid behaviour. A muon spin relaxation investigation of these novel compounds is discussed.