The CsI(Na) scintillator array CATANA has been enhanced as a dual-gain system with the capability to simultaneously measure proton and gamma-ray energies.
The simultaneous measurement of excitation energy of populated states and resultant de-excitation gamma-rays gives us an unique opportunity to investigate the detailed nuclear structures. To realize the simultaneous measurement for the (p,2p) reaction with STRASSE+CATANA setup, CATANA must measure the energies of two recoil protons and gamma-rays. Given that the typical energies of the protons and the gamma-rays are in the ranges of 100-250 MeV and 0.1-15 MeV, respectively, the system must have a wide dynamic range. Thus, new circuits and electronics have been introduced to CATANA to cover such a wide dynamic range, making it a dual-gain system.
In this presentation, we will present the specifics of the dual-gained CATANA and the results obtained by combining the dual-gained CATANA with a prototype proton tracker, PFAD.