31 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
Hilton York Hotel
Europe/London timezone

3n Study at SHARAQ and New Multi-n Project at SAMURAI

3 Aug 2023, 13:40
Hilton York Hotel

Hilton York Hotel

Hilton Hotel, 1 Tower Street, York Y01 9WD, United Kingdom


Kenjiro Miki (Tohoku University)


Correlations in multi-neutron systems have been fascinating topics in recent nuclear physics. In this presentation, we will present two of new experimental approaches on multi-neutron systems recently performed and planned at RIBF.
First, we explain our experimental study on 3n system via the 3H(t,3He)3n reaction at 170 MeV/u using the SHARAQ spectrometer. We have developed a thick tritiate titanium target dedicated for this purpose. With this target we have successfully obtained the differential cross section of the 3H(t,3He)3n reaction at Ex<20MeV and Theta<4deg.
Second, we introduce our new project of multi-neutron experiment at SAMURAI. By means of the knockout reactions on helium isotopes, we will produce various multi-neutron systems with neutron numbers up to 6. The overview and outlook of this project will be explained in the presentation.

Primary authors

Kenjiro Miki (Tohoku University) SHARAQ11 Collaboration SAMURAI74 Collaboration

Presentation materials

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