7–11 Apr 2025
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Europe/London timezone

Program Overview

The EPICS Collaboration Meeting Spring 2025 will be hosted at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from Monday 7 April to Friday 11 April. An indicative schedule is show below.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions will be held at the R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from Monday 7 April to Wednesday 9 April. A keynote speech by Professor Roger Eccleston, the Executive Director, National Laboratories: Large Scale Facilities at the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and Head of STFC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory will open the plenary session.

Talks will be either 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions, or lightning talks of 5 minutes without questions.  

The Pickavance Lecture Theatre has a capacity for up to 150 attendees, and facilities for large screen presentations. Professionals used to providing support for complex events will be available throughout the three days of the plenary session. The nearby R112 Visitor Centre will be used for coffee, lunch breaks, and other organisational needs. 

A timetable for talks will be published shortly after registration has closed.

Workshops and Training

See the Workshops and Training page for details of the sessions to be run. Once convenors have confirmed the length of their workshop or training events a provisional schedule will be published.

Workshops and training sessions will take place in conference rooms across the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 April. The largest conference room available has a capacity for 80 attendees, other conference rooms have a capacity for up to 40 attendees. All conference rooms have large screens and facilities for video-conferencing.

Individual convenors will make decisions on whether remote attendance is possible. 

The R83 Diamond Atrium will be a central meeting area during the workshops and training sessions. Lunch will be provided at this location. Coffee and biscuits may be provided at the Diamond Atrium or at the conference rooms.

Site Tours

Arrangements for site tours are being made. Tours of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Central Laser Facility, and Diamond Light Source will be available. Tour groups will have a maximum capacity for 10 attendees. It is anticipated that tours will be spread across multiple days.


There will be morning and afternoon coffee/tea breaks with biscuits. Lunch will be provided.