18–19 Jan 2024
University of Plymouth
Europe/London timezone


Session 3

18 Jan 2024, 15:45
Babbage 003 Lecture Theatre (University of Plymouth)

Babbage 003 Lecture Theatre

University of Plymouth

Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA


Session 3

  • Shakil Awan (University of Plymouth)


Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez, Google DeepMind, "Applying AI to complex problems in the physical sciences"
Luigi Genovese, CEA Grenoble, "Challenges and Opportunities from Electronic Structure Calculations of Systems at the Nanoscale"
Giulio Cerullo, Polytecnico di Milano, "Real-time visualization of conical intersections in biomolecules using XFELs".

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Stewart Boogert (Cockcroft Institute)
18/01/2024, 15:45
Dr Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez (Google DeepMind)
18/01/2024, 16:00
Dr Giulio Cerullo (Polytecnico di Milano)
18/01/2024, 17:00
Building timetable...