18–19 Jan 2024
University of Plymouth
Europe/London timezone


Welcome with Tea & Coffee

18 Jan 2024, 11:00
Babbage 003 Lecture Theatre (University of Plymouth)

Babbage 003 Lecture Theatre

University of Plymouth

Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA


Welcome with Tea & Coffee

  • Shakil Awan (University of Plymouth)
  • Ben King (University of Plymouth)
  • James Edwards (University of Plymouth)
  • Thomas Heinzl (University of Plymouth)


Welcome address by
Dean of the Faculty of Science: Prof Kevin Jones
Head of School: Prof Alexander Belton

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Shakil Awan (University of Plymouth)
18/01/2024, 11:00
Prof. Kevin Jones (University of Plymouth)
18/01/2024, 11:10
Building timetable...