John Dainton Fest/Symposium

Daresbury Laboratory

Daresbury Laboratory

Keckwick Ln, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD

On the afternoon of Friday 7th July a Fest/Symposium will take place at Daresbury Laboratory to celebrate the considerable scientific achievements of Professor John Dainton FRS, former spokesperson of the H1 collaboration at HERA, the first director of the Cockcroft Institute, winner of the Max Born Prize and formerly the Sir James Chadwick Professor of Physics at the University of Liverpool. This year marks the 50th anniversary of John carrying out experiments on the NINA electron synchrotron at Daresbury Laboratory, so it seems like an ideal opportunity to learn more about that and his subsequent achievements.

There will be a half-day long programme of talks by invited speakers about the various stages of John’s career with ample time for questions and discussion after each presentation. There will also be nearly an hour at the end of the afternoon for further reminiscences by friends and colleagues, either in person or online. We will conclude with a few words from John and aim to finish around 6pm. A celebratory dinner (preceded by drinks and canapes) will take place from 7pm at the nearby Park Royal Hotel.

The event is kindly sponsored by the Cockcroft Institute. There will be no registration fee for participation and no charge for attending the celebratory dinner in the evening. We do however ask all participants to register as soon as possible, ideally no later than 15th June, even if you can only attend online.

If you need financial assistance with travel to the event, then please contact Lauren Hamblett or Emily Grundill.

Car parking space will be available at Daresbury Laboratory and for those using public transport, a minibus will convey participants from Daresbury Laboratory to the dinner venue. The Accommodation link on the menu provides a couple of suggestions for hotels where rooms can be booked for those wishing to stay in the area overnight.

We also encourage participants to leave messages for John (see menu for instructions) which we will copy into a presentation booklet and, if any of you have photographs that you would like to share, there is also a link available for that.