April 27, 2022
Europe/London timezone
ZOOM: https://cern.zoom.us/j/61030599508?pwd=K1MwZWhCT2RVRGRPTTlxOC9vUG1SQT09

Participant List

34 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Ajit Kurup Imperial College London
Amato Giaccia Oxford University
Anthea MacIntosh-LaRocque Imperial College London
Ben Cox University College London
Charlotte Palmer Queen's University Belfast
Chris Rogers STFC
Christopher Baker Swansea University
Colin whyte University of Strathclyde
Elisabetta Boella Lancaster University
Harry Hall Public Involvement Advisor
Hywel Owen UKRI-STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Jaroslaw Pasternak Imperial College London/RAL-STFC/JAI
Jason Parsons University of Liverpool
Jean-Baptiste Lagrange ISIS, RAL,STFC
Jeff Bamber Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital
John Matheson
Josie McGarrigle
Ken Long Imperial Coll.
Manjit Dosanjh CERN/University of Oxford
Mike Charlton Swansea University
Narender Kumar University of Liverpool, Cockcroft Institute
Nicholas Dover Imperial College London
Pat Price Imperial College
Paul McKenna University of Strathclyde
Phil Allport Univiersity of Birmingham
Philip Burrows John Adams Institute, Oxford University
Robert Bingham STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Ross Gray University of Strathclyde
Ruth McLauchlan Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; Imperial College London
Stuart Green University Hospital Birmingham
Tim Greenshaw University of Liverpool
Titus-Stefan Dascalu Imperial College London
Varshiny G Indian Institute of Technology Madras
William Shields Royal Holloway, University of London