25–30 Sept 2022
The Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

FFA2022, the next workshop in the series devoted to Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators, will be held in the United Kingdom in the week September 25th-30th, 2022. The venue is The Cosener's House in Abingdon, near Oxford.

FFA2022 has been granted the status of an ICFA mini-workshop by the ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel.

Image of coseners house

The workshop seeks to continue the development of fixed-field accelerators following research in Japan, North America and the UK and to extend the potential range of applications of FFA accelerators. The format will be invited and contributed talks interspersed with periods of focused discussion.

The workshop will be preceded by a two-day training school held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, aimed at introducing students (and others) to basic FFA ideas and provide background knowledge leading into the workshop proper.

As all Covid-19 restrictions in England have now been lifted, we will be hosting a traditional face-to-face workshop. For those facing travel difficulties, we have maintained the option of participating on-line.

If you have any comments or questions, please do email the organisers.

Important Dates

18th September Closing date for on-line registration
25th-26th September FFA2022 School
27th-30th September FFA2022 Workshop


Click on the image below to download the workshop poster:

Conference poster


The organisers gratefully acknowledge support from the following bodies:

FFA22 Sponsors



The Cosener's House
15-16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
Go to map