
The nuSTORM Facility

by Kenneth Long (Imperial College London and STFC)



The nuSTORM facility will provide ν_e and ν_μ beams from the decay of low energy muons confined within a storage ring. The neutrino and anti-neutrino event rates are such that the nuSTORM facility serving a suite of near detectors will be able to measure ν_eN and ν_μN cross sections with the %-level precision required to allow the next generation of long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiments to fulfil their potential. The physics potential of nuSTORM also includes exquisitely sensitive searches for light sterile neutrinos such as those that have been postulated to explain the LSND and other neutrino anomalies.

I will review the discovery potential of intense, high-brightness stored muon beams and outline the status of the conceptual designs for the muon collider and neutrino factory. I will summarise the status of the R&D that has been performed on the key technological challenges, highlighting the recent measurement of ionization cooling, and outline the challenges that still need to be addressed. I will present theNeutrinos from Stored Muons (nuSTORM) facility that is being developed in the context of the Physics Beyond Colliders study groupat CERN. nuSTORM gives us the opportunity to develop the techniques required to embark on the muon-collider journey while making precise cross section measurements that are required for the next generation of long-and short-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiments to reach their full potential