NBI 2022: Status of existing neutrino beams
- Patrick Hurh (Fermilab)
NBI 2022: Status of upgrades/new neutrino beams
- Eric Zimmerman (University of Colorado)
NBI 2022: Status of upgrades/new neutrino beams
- Eric Zimmerman (University of Colorado)
NBI 2022: Physics (and engineering) design and optimisation
- Chris Densham (STFC)
NBI 2022: Flux and hadron production calculations and experiments
- Takeshi Nakadaira (KEK)
NBI 2022: Primary and secondary beamline interface issues
- Megan Friend (KEK)
NBI 2022: Target systems
- Chris Densham (STFC)
NBI 2022: Magnetic horns and collector systems
- Keith Gollwitzer (Fermilab)
NBI 2022: Instrumentation, diagnostics & beam monitors
- Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
NBI 2022: Facility Remote Handling
- Peter Loveridge (STFC)
NBI 2022: Radiological and Safety Issues
- Heinz Vincke (CERN)
NBI 2022: Beam windows, collimators and hadron absorbers
- Marco Calviani (CERN)
NBI 2022: Beam windows, collimators and hadron absorbers
- Marco Calviani (CERN)
- There are no conveners in this block
NBI 2022: Discussion & workshop close
- Chris Densham (STFC)
NBI 2022: Registration
- There are no conveners in this block
Katsuya Yonehara
19/09/2022, 08:40
Sakiko Nishimori
19/09/2022, 17:40
Seidai Tairafune
(Tohoku University)
20/09/2022, 09:00
Kazuo Nakayoshi
20/09/2022, 09:20
Installation, alignment, and commissioning of primary and secondary beamline components for LBNF
Zarko Pavlovic
20/09/2022, 09:40
Elzbieta Nowak
21/09/2022, 10:55
Yuichi Oyama
21/09/2022, 11:15
Ana-Paula Bernardes
21/09/2022, 11:35
Quinn Peterson
21/09/2022, 13:30
Vladimir Sidorov,
21/09/2022, 13:55
Takeshi Nakadaira
21/09/2022, 14:15
Nicola Solieri
21/09/2022, 14:35
Anna Orlowska
22/09/2022, 09:00