Sep 5 – 6, 2024
The Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone
Registration extended until Tuesday 20th August

The 2024 Muon User Meeting will be held at The Cosener's House, Abingdon, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September, 2024. This year marks 40 years since first neutrons at ISIS, but also 40 years since planning for muons started in earnest, after funding for the new facility was secured from the EC and a number of participating countries.

The meeting will have the combined themes of 'Computational Techniques' and 'Techniques for Pulsed Beams' - hopefully something in the programme to interest everyone! There will also be facility news, including a report on the new SuperMuSR instrument, a forward look to ISIS-II, and the chance for young researchers to contribute to the meeting.

Further details will follow.

The Cosener's House
The Garden Room
15 - 16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3JD