28 October 2024 to 1 November 2024
The Cosener's house
Europe/London timezone

Operating Experience of ISIS Targets

29 Oct 2024, 11:50
The Cosener's house

The Cosener's house

15 - 16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3JD UK
Application of new materials data and/or safety codes, computational modelling/analysis. Application of new materials data and/or safety codes, computational modelling/analysis


Dan Wilcox (STFC)


As part of the ISIS TS1 Project, a new design of spallation target was installed on the first target station (TS1), which has now been operating for almost a year. Detailed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations were carried out, and compared to measured operating data. FEA has also been used to investigate unexpected observations on some target plates. Attempts were made to measure radiation-induced changes in the thermal conductivity of tungsten in-situ on a working spallation target.
ISIS TS2 targets continue to be replaced ~1.5 years into their nominally 5-year design lifetime. The achievable life is limited by increasing activation of the cooling water, thought to be due to tungsten in direct contact with water. Recent irradiated property data combined with detailed FEA now predicts target lifetimes which are consistent with the observed failures. This raises the possibility that such failures could be predicted and avoided in future.

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