October 28, 2024 to November 1, 2024
The Cosener's house
Europe/London timezone

IWSMT16 will be held at the Cosener's house, Abingdon, UK and will include a tour of ISIS at STFC's Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot, UK and the new Materials Research Facility at UKAEA's Culham Laboratory

Workshop themes:

  1. Facility overview, updates and developments. Operational experience of targets, beam windows, cooling and ancillary systems.
  2. Spallation neutron/muon source component, systems & materials related technology and innovation. 
  3. Application of new materials data and/or safety codes, computational modelling/analysis.
  4. Liquid/solid and particle beam interactions and associated studies: pressure waves, cavitation, erosion, corrosion etc and mitigation techniques.
  5. Results from Post-Irradiation Examination of target and structural materials, innovative experimental techniques in study of irradiated materials.
  6. Fundamental studies on the effects of radiation damage in materials. Innovative radiation damage resistant materials technology.
  7. Collaborations, opportunities and future plans e.g. for materials irradiations & PIE


The Cosener's house
15 - 16 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3JD UK
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