IWSMT16 will be held at the Cosener's house, Abingdon, UK and will include a tour of ISIS at STFC's Rutherford Appleton Lab, Didcot, UK and the new Materials Research Facility at UKAEA's Culham Laboratory
Workshop themes:
- Facility overview, updates and developments. Operational experience of targets, beam windows, cooling and ancillary systems.
- Spallation neutron/muon source component, systems & materials related technology and innovation.
- Application of new materials data and/or safety codes, computational modelling/analysis.
- Liquid/solid and particle beam interactions and associated studies: pressure waves, cavitation, erosion, corrosion etc and mitigation techniques.
- Results from Post-Irradiation Examination of target and structural materials, innovative experimental techniques in study of irradiated materials.
- Fundamental studies on the effects of radiation damage in materials. Innovative radiation damage resistant materials technology.
- Collaborations, opportunities and future plans e.g. for materials irradiations & PIE
