14–16 Nov 2023
The Coseners House
Europe/London timezone

Travel and accommodation

During the meeting dates accommodation in Abingdon is very limited. A number of the large facilities at RAL are operational and so some local hotels are fully booked. We strongly encourage you to make accommodation arrangements as soon as possible.

We have provisionally reserved rooms at the AION days hotel, The Cosener's House and at the nearby Old Abbey House, 2 minutes walk away. These reservations can only be held for a short time so please indicate at registration if you would like to book a room. (Please note bookings at Old Abbey House are for a room only. Breakfast can be purchased at The Cosener's House.)

The price for rooms at Old Abbey House is £135/ night.

The price for bed and breakfast at The Cosener's House will be in the range of £90 - £140.


There are other hotels in Abingdon, a little further from the meeting venue, with some availability. For example, The Hilton Garden or the Premier Inn.

Alternatively, accommodation can be found in Oxford or Didcot. There are buses which run to Abingdon, taking ~30 minutes from Oxford and ~35 minutes from Didcot. Further information can be found at:

Oxford to Abingdon: X2 or X3

Didcot to Abingdon: 33