Muon User Meeting 2023: celebrating the work of Pabitra Biswas

The Queen's College, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4AW
John Wilkinson (STFC), Rhea Stewart (ISIS Muon Group, STFC, UK)

The ISIS muon user meeting this year will be held jointly with PSI at The Queen's College, Oxford, a 14th-century college right in the heart of the historic city.

This meeting will celebrate the work of the late Pabi Biswas, who developed an extensive research programme in the fields of magnetism and superconductivity, making use of pressure techniques in his work. Pabi started his career as a PhD student at Warwick University, before moving to work as an Instrument Scientist first at PSI and then ISIS; he continued to exploit the complementarity of both sources as he developed his scientific career. A series of talks are planned with speakers sharing their latest results in these subject areas, with the aim of fostering scientific collaborations across the muon community.

We will also have an afternoon of facility updates from both ISIS and PSI, including short talks on the latest projects taking place at both facilities. There will also be the opportunity for the user community to provide feedback on these developments. 

We are keen to encourage participation from early career researchers and to facilitate this we invite PhD students and postdocs to submit abstracts about their work. More information can be found here.

Local expenses will be covered for all delegates, and travel expenses will be reimbursed for those coming from UK-based institutions.

(Photo credit: John Cairns)