UK Electronics & Integration Workshop

Craig Sawyer (STFC), Dave Newbold (STFC), Rob Halsall (STFC)

Workshop to:

  • Bring to the attention of a wider UK community the ongoing work on R&D roadmaps, at UK and European level
  • Identify the UK ambition for, and approach to, R&D in the electronics and integration areas
  • Discuss approaches to organising UK input to roadmapping, and to organising future R&D work

ZOOM room here

    • 1
      Introduction and Strategic Context
      • ECFA process
      • PPTAP
      • UKRI context
      • Future projects
      Speaker: Dave Newbold (STFC)
    • 2
      The Challenge for the UK

      PPTAP, TAAB and future prospects for R&D

      Speaker: Paula Chadwick (Durham University)
    • 3
      ECFA Report: TF7 - Electronics
      Speaker: Rob Halsall (STFC)
    • 4
      ECFA Report: TF8 - Integration
      Speaker: Craig Sawyer (STFC)
    • 5
      Example models for R&D Organisation - CERN RD / INFN
      Speaker: Laura Gonella
    • 6
      Example models for R&D Organisation - US model
      Speaker: Prof. Daniela Bortoletto (University of Oxford)
    • 7
      Example models for R&D Organisation - German model
      Speaker: Yvonne Peters (University of Manchester)
    • 8
      Example models for R&D Organisation - others?
      Speaker: Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (STFC)
    • 11:00
    • 9
      Community discussion
      • What are the key technical challenges for the UK in these R&D areas?
      • What are the organisational / logistical barriers for us?
        -- Centralisation vs complete freedom?
        -- Focus vs diversity?
        -- Project-led versus blue-skies?
        -- PP-focussed versus generic?
      • How much is all this going to cost? Is it justified?
        -- What is the likely UK participation in integration / electronics areas for future projects?
        -- What is the length, breadth and scale of R&D activities leading to them?
        -- Are there commonalities we can exploit?
        -- What demonstrator / exemplar projects should we target, and when?
      • How do we ensure and maintain efficiency?
        -- Design and IP re-use
        -- Commonalities between projects
        -- Reduction of internal design competition
      • What happens if we do nothing?
      • What is the relationship with industry and other research areas?
      • How do we convince people to act on this?
      • How do we sustain a community?
    • 10
      Next steps