This page is being used to share and collect comments on draft(s) of the UK's national input to the 2026 European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (ESPPU).
The timelines for this process are outlined below:
17th February - 3rd March: first circulation of draft of UK input around the community, with invitation to provide feedback/comments.
3rd-14th March: the drafting team will work to implement comments.
14th-21st March: circulation of final draft around the community. We hope that comments received at this stage would be mainly clarification/editorial points.
31st March: first deadline for submission of national inputs.
28th April: community drafting day at RAL: (registration now open). This discuss updates to the draft following the community submissions at the end of March, and the prioritisation of alternative future collider options at CERN and non-collider experiments (which are not being provided in the first draft of the input).
26th May: deadline for updates to the national input ahead of the open symposium.
Version 1 of the UK's national input draft: circulated 17th February1m
Comments should be provided as written comments in the google-doc linked. Please provide your name and relevant line numbers/section numbers in the PDF. The deadline for comments is noon (UK time) on Monday 3rd March, after which the document will be made read-only.
Please do not send comments by email.