First neutrino and antineutrino results from NOvA - Dr. Chris Backhouse (UCL)​




The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, which implies that neutrinos are not massless as we had previously believed, raises a wealth of new and intriguing questions. What is the ordering of the neutrino mass states? Might neutrino oscillations violate matter/antimatter symmetry? What structure, if any, does the neutrino mixing matrix have? The NOvA experiment directly addresses these questions by measuring the changes undergone by a powerful neutrino beam over an 810 km baseline, from its source at Fermilab, Illinois to a huge 14 kton detector in Ash River, Minnesota. I will give a brief overview of neutrino oscillations, then present the latest NOvA results, the first to use both neutrino and antineutrino data samples, before discussing the implications and prospects for the future.

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