19–22 Aug 2024
The Guildhall, York
Europe/London timezone

SNOLAB: Underground Facilities for Biological Experiments - (in-person)

20 Aug 2024, 09:00
Council Chamber (The Guildhall, York)

Council Chamber

The Guildhall, York

The Courtyard, Guildhall, Coney St, York YO1 9QN United Kingdom


Shaun Hall


20-minute talk + 10-minute questions

SNOLAB, with its underground facilities at 2070 m within Creighton Mine in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, has already hosted biological experiments, including FlaME and REPAIR, providing a unique environment for experiments requiring isolation from surface background radiation. Improvements at SNOLAB, including the introduction of local ICP-MS analysis for metal content, underground liquid nitrogen production, UPW upgrades, and many more have increased the overall capabilities of SNOLAB to host new experiments considerably. Presented will be an overview of the facilities and improvements in bio-assay techniques available.

Presentation materials