2–3 Sept 2024
Europe/London timezone

This course targets UK particle physicists  with no GPU programming experience, but some experience with C++. PhD students, postdocs & staff are all welcome. 

You should bring a laptop that can connect to eduroam Wifi https://eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/
As a backup in case of problems with eduroam, you should also register now via https://visitorwifi.stfc.ac.uk to use RAL's STFC-Guest Wifi , specifying "Tomalin" (ian.tomalin@stfc.ac.uk) as your "Sponsor".

The course offers a mix of lectures and practical sessions. We have capacity for 20 students.  It runs from 12-17h on 2nd + 10-16h on 3rd Sept.

Topics covered:

  • Accelerated computing with CUDA C/C++ (8 hours) (NVidia-led course, certificate available on completion)
  • Alternative programming models (HIP, SYCL) and portability frameworks (Kokkos, Alpaka) (1 hour)
  • GPU implementations in HEP experiments (1 hour)


The teaching will be provided by Jony Castagna from Hartree Centre, who is the STFC NVidia partner.

RAL/PPD will book you in and pay for one nights bed & breakfast for those who need it, at Ridgeway House Hotel, which is on the RAL site. The tuition is free. Attendees must pay their own travel & subsistance.

All participants should register via indico. The school will be oversubscribed, so check if your registration is approved. When registering, you'll be asked about your accomodation needs etc.

The teaching will take place on the RAL site in the Hamilton Room, which is in the public Exhibition Centre. A map showing you the inside of the RAL site is map_inside_RAL .

 A map & advice to help you travel to RAL is map_to_RAL . If you arrive by train, "Didcot Parkway" train station is most convenient. We'll arrange taxis from RAL back to Didcot station at the end of the course.



Hamilton Room in RAL Public Exhibition Centre