13–15 Feb 2023
R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre
Europe/London timezone

Engineering of QT Systems for Space at Fraunhofer CAP

14 Feb 2023, 15:45
2h 15m
R112 Visitor Centre

R112 Visitor Centre


Dr Emma Le Francois (Fraunhofer UK)


Poster will give an overview of three current projects undergoing at Fraunhofer CAP. One project is based on satellite based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) encoded communication to be packaged in a compact, robust and commercially-viable form. More details in a second project on photon entanglement with different sources for space applications. Finally, a quick overview of the project in collaboration with Craft Prospect in designing a compact, low-loss optical telescope for QKD.

Primary author

Dr Emma Le Francois (Fraunhofer UK)

Presentation materials

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