13–15 Feb 2023
R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre
Europe/London timezone

Emulating Gravitationally-Induced Frequency Shift Towards Space-Based Quantum Optics

15 Feb 2023, 09:45
R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre

R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre


Dr Alex Lohrmann (JPL)


Space-based quantum networks require highly efficient quantum links between ground systems on Earth and orbiting spacecraft. A test system at JPL emulated timing desynchronization and polarization rotation driven by the relative motion between Earth and a spacecraft. These dynamics are introduced to a single-photon communication system and addressed using compensation systems. The system under development at JPL is planned to be deployed at the Optical Communication Telescope Laboratory in Wrightwood, CA, and coupled to the 1-m aperture primary mirror in support of near-term quantum communications space missions.

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