Bright Muon Beams Consortium Discussion



Room CR11, Building R3

STFC has invited Community consortia to form and generate themed, four year, R&D programmes of work that support the development of UK strengths directly aligned with the Strategic Framework priorities, with an emphasis on exploiting existing facilities and the sustainable construction and operation of the UK’s and CERN’s priority infrastructures. The consortia are asked to address the "three pillars" of STFC's accelerator strategy,  namely:

  • LHC and its upgrades (including future machines), exploiting UK strengths aligned with the European Roadmap
  • Novel acceleration technologies (including exploiting CLARA, EPAC, and similar facilities)
  • The route to UK FEL capabilities

Muon beam technology was one of the key development needs highlighted in the European Accelerator R&D Roadmap for High Energy Physics and one in which the UK has a particular strength thanks to past investment in experiments such as MICE and EMMA. Muon beam R&D is also important for a number of next generation facilities such as ISIS upgrades.

In this meeting, we will discuss the future facilities that may be required and seek synergies in muon beam R&D in order to deliver them.

For folks who would like to attend in person, we have CR11 booked at RAL in building R3. If you don't have a RAL site pass, email at so I can put you on the gate list.

We can use the following zoom connection:

Meeting ID: 253 412 449

Pass code: 105658

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