The Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift (RDDS) method for measuring the lifetime of excited nuclear states relies on the detection of $\gamma$ rays. In cases where the internal conversion coefficient (ICC) becomes large, e.g. for low energy transitions in heavy nuclei, the intensity of $\gamma$-ray emissions may be small and the RDDS method becomes impractical. To overcome this difficulty, a charge...
Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD), the theory describing the strong force, predicts how quarks and gluons form into hadrons. Although all established meson and baryon states are either quark-anti quark pairs or three (anti)quark states, QCD also allows for combinations of four or more quarks. In addition, states in which gluons are excited and contribute to the quantum numbers of the hadrons are...
Interpretations of the collective behaviour of nuclei have long been dependent on our understanding of E2 nuclear matrix elements. Owing to mastery of the electromagnetic force and it’s spherical tensor we claim confident in quadrupole properties of the nucleus. Despite this confidence there are frequent discrepancy in assignments often owing to interpretations made with incomplete...
The Electrons for Neutrinos project (e4nu) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) uses wide phase space exclusive electron scattering data from past and future experiments on nuclear targets with the CLAS and CLAS12 detector systems to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the interaction of leptons with matter. Data from JLab provides us with the means to constrain the...
The MARA low-energy branch (MARA-LEB) [1] is a novel facility currently under development at the University of Jyväskylä. The primary aim of MARA-LEB will be to study ground and isomeric-state properties of exotic proton-rich nuclei employing in-gas-cell and in-gas-jet resonance ionisation spectroscopy and mass measurements. Initially these studies will focus on nuclei close to the N=Z line...
After joining Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) in 2017, Robin Smith has grown a small nuclear physics group, which now includes three PhD students, who are working on a variety of topics, spanning nuclear structure, astrophysics, nuclear data, and fusion.
This talk will give a brief overview of some of the research that is happening in nuclear physics at SHU, with a focus on searches for...