Different ways to access today's notebook tutorial: 1. If you have an account on Monty https://monty.stfc.ac.uk/ 2. Binder https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks/HEAD 3. Google Colab links https://colab.research.google.com/github/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks/blob/master/mlp.ipynb https://colab.research.google.com/github/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks/blob/master/cnn.ipynb https://colab.research.google.com/github/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks/blob/master/rnn.ipynb Alternatively you can find the notebooks in github https://github.com/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks . You can copy and paste links from the top of the workbooks 4.Use your own computer git clone https://github.com/olaiya/MLTutorialNotebooks.git If you downloaded the notebook via git yesterday, I have made some changes so use the two commands below to get the updates git reset --hard git pull