
UK XFEL - Conceptual Design and Options Analysis

R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre (RAL)

R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre



STFC are working with UK academics to investigate options to deliver an advanced next -generation X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facility. This superconducting linear accelerator would create new opportunities across science and industry, helping to answer pressing scientific questions and contribute to solving societal challenges of major importance. UK XFEL is currently in a three-year process (running to Oct 2025), to map out how best to deliver advanced, next generation XFEL capabilities and create a conceptual design for a next generation machine which would fulfil the needs of national and international science interests. This is your chance to come and hear more about the design, the international options and engage with the technical and science leads. We'll be giving a talk on both technical and community progress over the last year as well as highlighting challenges ahead. We'd like to encourage anyone working on accelerators/lasers and their user experiments, detectors, data systems etc. or those generally interested in large international scale facilities to come along and join the discussion.