
Track finding in the COMET experiment - Ewen Lawson Gillies (Imperial)


The Coherent Muon to Electron Transition (COMET) experiment is designed to search for muon to electron conversion, a process which has very good sensitivity to Beyond the Standard Model physics. This phase is designed to probe muon to electron conversion 100 times better than the current limit. The experiment will achieve this sensitivity by directing a high intensity muon beam at a stopping target. The detectors probe the resulting events for the signal 105 MeV electron from muon to electron conversion. A boosted decision tree (BDT) algorithm has been developed to find this signal track. This BDT is used to combine energy deposition and timing information with a reweighted inverse hough transform to filter out background hits. Results show that using a BDT significantly improves in background hit rejection when compared to traditional, cut-based hit rejection methods. At 95% signal hit retention, the BDT is able to remove 98% of background hits.