Ada Lovelace Centre – Facilities Tomography Workshop

CR 16/17 (RAL)

CR 16/17



Tomography experiments are performed across CLF, Diamond and ISIS and there are untapped opportunities for sharing expertise, training and software.  The goal of this workshop is to explore these opportunities, the challenges faced by the facilities and the pathways to common approaches.  

Previous discussions have focussed on specific software but here our goal is to have a broader discussion on the needs of the facilities, their scientific and strategic priorities and the current and future tomography challenges faced by the facilities and their users.   

The facilities are asked to provide priority science cases, user stories or strategic goals for tomography and examples of issues or shortfalls hampering delivery of these goals.   

The workshop seeks to: 

·               Share and gather the short- and long-term strategic needs of the facilities in tomography 

·               Identify common themes and requirements 

·               Start to identify potential solutions and detail activities for the ALC and define follow-up activities, where needed, to progress a shared approach 


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